A Complete Guide For Marvel Future Fight ISO-8

A Complete Guide For Marvel Future Fight ISO-8

ISO-8 is a powerful feature in Marvel Future Fight that can add power to the in-game characters, grant them new abilities and even create possibilities for the team. In this article, we will try to explain everything about ISO-8 so people new to this game can better understand it.

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What is ISO-8 in Marvel Future Fight?

ISO-8 is basically special items “special energy source” or “gems” that you can equip onto your superheroes. Different ISO-8 has different stats that can boost the various stats of your Marvel characters. There are multiple types of crystals, each focusing on a specific attribute:

  • Powerful (White): Physical attack / All attack boost.
  • Amplifying (Red): Energy attack / All attack boost.
  • Impregnable (Blue): Physical defense / All defense boost.
  • Absorbing (Green): Energy defense / All defense boost.
  • Vital (Orange): HP boost.
  • Fierce (Yellow): Critical rate boost.
  • Nimble (Purple): Dodge boost.
  • Chaotic (Rainbow): 2 Random boosts.

How to equip ISO-8 in Marvel Future Fight?

You can equip ISO-8 on the ISO-8 screen. The amount of ISO-8 that can be equipped to a character increases as they level up. You start with 1 slot open, gaining extra slots at levels 10, 20, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50, giving a total available slots of 8. Once equipped, you have to pay Crystals to unequip without destroying the ISO-8. The amount of Crystals needed to unequip rises with the level.

What are ISO-8 set Bonus in Marvel Future Fight?

The Set Bonus for Marvel Future Fight can also be found under the ISO-8 menu. Each character hero can only have 1 set of bonus active at one time. You can reset it to a different bonus with a cost of 10k. The type of sets that require more slot combinations will unlock as you level up when you unlock additional ISO-8 slots.

The set bonus will activate when you have equipped all of the ISO-8’s into the slots. For example, Improve Strength requires Silver (Powerful), Blue (Impregnable), and Green (Absorbing). After you have collected and equipped the required ISO-8’s, you will receive All Attack and Attack Speed bonus. In addition, the ISO-8 sets allow you to have “trigger” buffs that give you different boosts such as All Attack for 5% for 20 secs. The ISO-8 set buffs are triggered based different conditions and percentages.

ISO-8 Set Bonus NameISO-8 RequiredISO-8 Set Bonus Stats
Improve StrengthSilver (Powerful)
Blue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
All Attack +4%
Attack Speed +3.6%
Grasp Weak PointRed (Amplifying)
Blue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
All Attack +4%
Critical Rate +4%
Improve EnduranceRed (Amplifying)
Green (Absorbing)
Yellow (Fierce)
All Defense +4%
Max HP +4%
Escape ManeuverBlue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
Purple (Nimble)
All Defense +4%
Dodge +3.8%
Improve ViabilitySilver (Powerful)
Blue (Impregnable)
Orange (Vital)
Max HP +4%
Recovery Rate +3.8%
StealthRed (Amplifying)
Green (Absorbing)
Yellow (Fierce)
Max HP +4%
Dodge +3.8%
Healing FactorBlue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
Purple (Nimble)
All Defense +4%
Crows Control Time -3.8%
Improve Combat SkillSilver (Powerful)
Blue (Impregnable)
Orange (Vital)
All Attack +4%
Critical Damage +4%
Combat ManeuverSilver (Powerful)
Red (Amplifying)
Purple (Nimble)
All Attack +4%
Movement Speed +3.6%
Mobile DefenseBlue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
Yellow (Fierce)
All Defense +4%
Movement Speed +3.6%
Attack is the Best DefenseSilver (Powerful)
Red (Amplifying)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
All Attack +4%
Attack Speed +3.6%
The Last WinnerBlue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
All Defense +4%
Max HP +4%
The Ruthless AttackSilver (Powerful)
Blue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
All Attack +5.5%
Max HP +5.5%
Critical Rate +5.5%
Exceptional BalanceRed (Amplifying)
Blue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
All Attack +5.5%
All Defense +5.5%
Critical Damage +5.5%
Attack and DefenseSilver (Powerful)
Blue (Impregnable)
Yellow (Fierce)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
All Defense +5.5%
Attack Speed +5.0%
Critical Rate +5.5%
Impregnable DefenseRed (Amplifying)
Green (Absorbing)
Purple (Nimble)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
All Defense +5.5%
Max HP +5.5%
Recovery Rate +5.2%
Escape ArtistBlue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
Orange (Vital)
Purple (Nimble)
All Defense +5.5%
Dodge +5.2%
Cooldown Time -5.2%
Combat MasterRed (Amplifying)
Blue (Impregnable)
Yellow (Fierce)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
All Attack +5.5%
Attack Speed +5.0%
Defense Penetration +5.2%
Survival MasterSilver (Powerful)
Red (Amplifying)
Orange (Vital)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
Max HP +5.5%
All Defense +5.5%
Critical Rate +5.5%
Tough BodySilver (Powerful)
Red (Amplifying)
Purple (Nimble)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
Max HP +5.5%
All Defense +5.5%
Critical Damage +5.5%
Agent of SHIELDSilver (Powerful)
Blue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
Yellow (Fierce)
All Defense +5.5%
Critical Rate +5.5%
Critical Damage +5.5%
HAIL, HYDRARed (Amplifying)
Blue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
Orange (Vital)
All Defense +5.5%
Max HP +5.5%
Attack Speed +5.0%
Veteran SoldierBlue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
Orange (Vital)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
All Defense +5.5%
Max HP +5.5%
Dodge +5.2%
NightmareRed (Amplifying)
Green (Absorbing)
Yellow (Fierce)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
All Attack +5.5%
Critical Rate +5.5%
Critical Damage +5.5%
BlackwingSilver (Powerful)
Blue (Impregnable)
Orange (Vital)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
All Defense +5.5%
Dodge +5.2%
Recovery Rate +5.2%
Martial Arts MasterBlue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
Yellow (Fierce)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
All Attack +5.5%
Attack Speed +5.0%
Critical Rate +5.5%
Adroit ManipulationRed (Amplifying)
Green (Absorbing)
Orange (Vital)
Purple (Nimble)
All Defense +5.5%
Max HP +5.5%
Movement Speed +5.0%
Unstoppable MadnessSilver (Powerful)
Red (Amplifying)
Yellow (Fierce)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
All Attack +5.5%
Attack Speed +5.0%
Critical Rate +5.5%
CounterattackBlue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
All Defense +5.5%
Max HP +5.5%
Critical Damage +5.5%
Power of SymbioteSilver (Powerful)
Blue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
Yellow (Fierce)
Yellow (Fierce)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
All Attack +7%
Max HP +7%
Attack Speed +6.3%
Critical Rate +7%
Good Luck and Bad LuckRed (Amplifying)
Blue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
Yellow (Fierce)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
All Attack +7%
All Defense +7%
Attack Speed +6.3%
Critical Damage +7%
The Sly OneSilver (Powerful)
Blue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
Orange (Vital)
Orange (Vital)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
All Defense +7%
Max HP +7%
Attack Speed +6.3%
Dodge +6.7%
Huntress of HeavenRed (Amplifying)
Blue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
Orange (Vital)
Orange (Vital)
Purple (Nimble)
All Defense +7%
Max HP +7%
Recovery Rate +6.7%
Cooldown Time -6.7%
BloodthirstSilver (Powerful)
Blue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
Orange (Vital)
Yellow (Fierce)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
Max HP +7%
All Attack +7%
Critical Rate +7%
Recovery Rate +6.7%
Animal InstinctRed (Amplifying)
Blue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
Orange (Vital)
Purple (Nimble)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
Max HP +7%
All Defense +7%
Critical Damage +7%
Dodge +6.7%
Silent NightSilver (Powerful)
Blue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
Orange (Vital)
Purple (Nimble)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
All Defense +7%
Attack Speed +6.3%
Dodge +6.7%
Crowd Control Time -6.7%
Divine PowerSilver (Powerful)
Blue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
Yellow (Fierce)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
All Attack +7%
Critical Rate +7%
Critical Damage +7%
Cooldown Time -6.7%
Angel of DeathRed (Amplifying)
Blue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
Orange (Vital)
Yellow (Fierce)
Purple (Nimble)
All Attack +7%
Max HP +7%
Attack Speed +6.3%
Defense Penetration +6.7%
Killer InstinctRed (Amplifying)
Blue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
Yellow (Fierce)
Purple (Nimble)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
All Defense +7%
Critical Rate +7%
Critical Damage +7%
Movement Speed +6.3%
Ultron’s HatredSilver (Powerful)
Red (Amplifying)
Blue (Impregnable)
Yellow (Fierce)
Purple (Nimble)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
All Attack +7%
Attack Speed +6.3%
All Defense +7%
Critical Rate +7%
Manipulate DensityBlue (Impregnable)
Blue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
Green (Absorbing)
Orange (Vital)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
All Defense +7%
Max HP +7%
Dodge +6.7%
Critical Damage +7%
Hawk’s EyeSilver (Powerful)
Red (Amplifying)
Blue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
Yellow (Fierce)
Orange (Vital)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
All Attack +8.5%
Critical Rate +8.5%
Critical Damage +8.5%
Dodge +8.1%
Cooldown Time -8.1%
Protect the CaptainSilver (Powerful)
Red (Amplifying)
Blue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
Orange (Vital)
Purple (Nimble)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
All Defense +8.5%
Max HP +8.5%
Dodge +8.1%
Recovery Rate +8.1%
Crowd Control Time -8.1%
Binary PowerSilver (Powerful)
Red (Amplifying)
Blue (Impregnable)
Blue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
Green (Absorbing)
Orange (Vital)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
Max HP +8.5%
All Defense +8.5%
Attack Speed +7.7%
Critical Rate +8.5%
Recovery Rate +8.1%
Stark BackingSilver (Powerful)
Red (Amplifying)
Blue (Impregnable)
Blue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
Green (Absorbing)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
All Defense +8.5%
Max HP +8.5%
Critical Damage +8.5%
Dodge +8.1%
Movement Speed +7.7%
Blessing of AsgardSilver (Powerful)
Red (Amplifying)
Blue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
Yellow (Fierce)
Purple (Nimble)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
All Attack +8.5%
All Defense +8.5%
Max HP +8.5%
Dodge +8.1%
Crowd Control Time -8.1%
Spy TacticsSilver (Powerful)
Red (Amplifying)
Blue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
Orange (Vital)
Yellow (Fierce)
Purple (Nimble)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
All Attack +8.5%
Attack Speed +7.7%
Critical Rate +8.5%
Critical Damage +8.5%
Defense Penetration +8.1%
Power of Angry HulkSilver (Powerful)
Red (Amplifying)
Blue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
Yellow (Fierce)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
All Attack +8.5%
Attack Speed +7.7%
All Defense +8.5%
Critical Rate +8.5%
Defense Penetration +8.1%
Spider-SenseBlue (Impregnable)
Blue (Impregnable)
Green (Absorbing)
Green (Absorbing)
Orange (Vital)
Purple (Nimble)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
Multi-Colored (Chaotic)
All Defense +8.5%
Max HP +8.5%
Dodge +8.1%
Critical Rate +8.5%
Critical Damage +8.5%

How To ISO-8 Enhance and Combine in Marvel Future Fight?

Higher ISO-8’s will also improve that set bonus. At the ISO-8 menu, you can enhance ISO-8 by feeding it other stones. The enhanced ISO-8 stones will have higher stats. However, you should NEVER enhance ISO-8’s unless it is 4 star or higher. Enhancing lower value stones is a costly and nonefficient in terms of gold spending.

A +5 enhanced ISO-8 can be “combined” with another +5 enhanced ISO-8 of the same ranking. The resulting stone will be one grade higher. For example, you can combine two +5 three star ISO-8’s to get a 4 star ISO-8. You do not see the combine option unless you have a +5 ISO-8.

How to get ISO-8 in Marvel Future Fight?

The ISO-8 can be obtained through a couple places such as story quests, dimension chests, shops, and daily quests. The most cost efficient way to obtain ISO-8 is through the daily quests that are unlocked once you beat 4-1 story chapter.

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