Make RS Gold in RuneScape as free Member Part Seven: Misthalin Training Centre

Method 10 of 12: Misthalin Training Centre of Excellence Method (10,000 runescape gold)

Make Money in RuneScape as a Free Member

1.Go to the Misthalin Training Centre of Excellence. You can get here by heading North from the Barbarian Village, which is just across the River Lum, right past the West Entrance of Varrock.

Make Money in RuneScape as a Free Member

2.Enter the basement of this building and you should now be in a jail. Read all of the plaques on the jail cell doors, and then talk to the nearby Security Guard to gain access to the Training Center, which is up the steps right next to him.

Make Money in RuneScape as a Free Member

3.Talk to the Professor in the Training Centre and complete the written test he gives you. Talk to the Professor once you are done with the test. He should give you two Experience Reward Lamps upon completion of this test.

Make Money in RuneScape as a Free Member

4.Go back down to the jail and locate an open cell. There should be a poster which you can pull back to gain access to the Stronghold Dungeon. Go through it and ignore the muggers and Cockroach monsters.

Make Money in RuneScape as a Free Member

5.Head to the Northeast and locate a set of stairs. Climb up these stairs to get to the upper floor. Go to the left side of the room and pull the lever to unlock the door in the previous room you were in.

Make Money in RuneScape as a Free Member

6.Go through the door you just unlocked by going back down the stairs and heading through the door.

Make Money in RuneScape as a Free Member

7.Locate the chest on this floor. It is at the end of a small side tunnel that leads east. Open the chest to find 10,000 rs gold and the safety gloves!

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