Make RS Gold in RuneScape as free Member Last Part :Other Methods

Method 11 of 12: Other Methods
1.Make red dye. You will need about 5 rs gold to start but it is very easy. First go to the southeast part of the mining area in Varrock. Once you’ve picked all the redberries off the two bushes, switch worlds. Return and repeat until your inventory is full. Then go to the bank in east Varrock and bank all your redberries. Keep doing that until you have 100-1000 redberries. When you’re satisfied, go to Draynor Village, take out all of your rs gold and as many redberries as you can (not noted), and go to Aggie the witch (the building next to the wise old man’s house). Right click on Aggie the witch and click make-dyes. Repeat until all your redberries are dyes. Bank you dyes and repeat the whole process again if desired. You can sell the dyes at the Grand Exchange for about 1000 rs gold apiece.
Make rs gold in RuneScape as a Free Member
2.Sell steel nails. One steel bar can make 15 nails, and one nail sells for 34 gp at the Grand Exchange. But turning a bar into nails, you can increase its value to 510 rs gold. Since members use steel nails to make the majority of the things in their houses, nails always sell quickly.
Make rs gold in RuneScape as a Free Member
3.Go to the Cooking Guild if your level is high enough. Get grapes and sell them in the Grand Exchange for around 1,200gp each. Cooked apples are around 200gp. To get more rs gold, you have to bring a bucket with you. Make apple pies (all of the ingredients are in the guild) and sell them raw for around 1k each

Make rs gold in RuneScape as a Free Member

Method 12 of 12: Additional Merchant Methods Featured on wikiHow

1.Make rs gold by merchanting.
Make rs gold in RuneScape as a Free Member
2.Make runescape gold via price manipulation.

Make rs gold in RuneScape as a Free Member

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