Where to find Runescape Kebbit Locations

Common Kebbit – The common kebbit can be found in the Piscatoris Hunter area near the location marked in the screenshot below.

Location of Common Kebbit Burrows in Runescape

When catching a common kebbit, you’ll obtain bones, common kebbit fur, and raw beast meat. This fur can be taken to the Varrock Fancy Dress Shop to be made into wood camouflage gear, which improves your hunting success rate in the entire Piscatoris Hunter area. While not nearly as in demand as polar kebbit fur, you can still pick up around 300 gp for each piece on the Grand Exchange.

You need at least Hunter Level 3 to track the common kebbit.

Feldip Weasel – The Feldip weasel lurks around the southern part of the Feldip Hunter area.

Location of Feldip Weasel in Runescape

A successful catch will yield bones, raw beast meat, and Feldip weasel fur. The fur is used as a component for jungle camouflage gear, which can be a great help if you plan to do a lot of hunting in the Feldip Hunter area. Other than that, the fur isn’t worth much and only sells for about 20-25 gp on the Grand Exchange.

Feldip Weasel Hunting
You can start tracking the Feldip weasel once you obtain Hunter Level 7.

Desert Devil – This kebbit can be tracked and caught in the Uzer Hunter area, southeast of Al Kharid.

Location of Desert Devil in Runescape

Similar to other kebbits, a successful catch of a desert devil will leave you with bones, raw beast meat, and desert devil fur. The fur can be taken to the Fancy Dress Shop and used to make the desert camouflage gear which improves your hunting chances in (yep, you guessed it) the desert region. The Grand Exchange price for this item is generally somewhere around 110-115 gp.

Desert Devil Tracking
Once you reach Hunter Level 13, you can start tracking desert devils. If you don’t have access to the fairy rings, this may be the easiest area to reach on foot. It also has the advantage of not being too terribly far from the Al Kharid bank. However, make sure that you take water skins with you out in the desert or you run the risk of dehydrating and dying.

Razor-Backed Kebbit – Like the common kebbit, this creature can be found in the Piscatoris Hunter area near the Falconer.

Location of Razor Backed Kebbit in Runescape

There’s quite a big level jump here as you’ll need Hunter Level 49 before you can start tracking razor-backed kebbits. However, if you have a Fletching Level of at least 42, you can make some real good money here. Instead of fur, the razor-backed kebbits drop long kebbit spikes. One long kebbit spike can be fletched into 6 long kebbit bolts, each one selling for around 160 gp on the Grand Exchange. The best part is that if you take a chisel with you, you can stay out forever without having to run back to the bank since bolts stack in your inventory – you can just fletch them as you obtain them.

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