RS3 Players of Donate

For every 10 actor gold accordd by players, Jagex accords a dollar to alms. That may assume like a low about-face amount, but there’s affluence of in-game money to go about: at time of autograph over 65 billion gold has been accordd by players. Players can aswell accord bonds, a exceptional bill awash by Jagex for $5 a pop, anon to the able-bodied, and items accordd to the able-bodied are adapted to a gold amount based on the admirable barter’s accepted amounts. Altogether the donations accept aloft over $10,000 for alms, just on day one. Donations are paid by Jagex to the Willow Foundation, appropriate aftereffect, activity for Kids, GamesAid, and the Internet Watch Foundation.


To that end, Jagex is implementing a new arrangement to advance the abridgement while allowance a amount of acceptable causes. Runescape players can accord in-game gold and items to the able-bodied of amicableness, area their agenda abundance will be adapted into real-world dollars that Jagex will accord to a scattering of charities. From today until November 30, players can acquisition the able-bodied of amicableness just south of the admirable barter.

Runescape’s new Well of Goodwill turns players’ digital currency into real-world donations to several charities. Have you ever found yourself playing an MMO, sitting at the level cap with vast fortunes of Buy RS Gold and nothing to spend it on? Runescape developer Jagex is certainly familiar with the problem – Runescape’s economy has been pretty unbalanced lately, with a lot of money in circulation but nothing to buy.

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