Runescape3 Desert Tasks

The 43 new Tasks are split into Easy, Medium, Hard and Elite categories, and encompass the full breadth of the desert’s adventuring prospects. The Tasks range from such humble undertakings as catching a golden warbler or dancing with the troubadours outside the Citharede Abbey, right up to heroic feats such as completing every achievement within the Dominion Tower, or slaying a desert strykewyrm while equipped with a fully charged slayer helm and ancient staff.


Completing the Easy Tasks will earn you the Desert Amulet, which is upgraded with each consecutive tier of Tasks that you complete. Each upgrade increases the amulet’s stats, and also adds handy functions to it. These include reduced failure on the Agility Pyramid; unlimited teleports to Nardah; and the ability to create a quota of molten glass each day only from soda ash, as long as you’re within the desert.

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There’s a ton of rewards to be had beside the amulet, too, all of which apply permanently when you’ve completed the requisite tier of Tasks. These include discounts at the Mage Training Arena’s pizazz store; access to an additional teak tree and sandstone rock; the opportunity to upgrade the stats of your ancient staff; and a free, daily supply of potato cacti. Last, but not least, you’ll get lamps full of glorious XP with each tier that you complete – up to a whopping 160,000 XP for the Elite tier!

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