Runescape the idol of Screaming

We guess you need a physical block began to pieces, and each attachment of legs, arms and head (in any order) yields progressively more XP when the resulting idol is activated. Assemble all four parts and you’ll have yourself a grinning idol – activate this for the biggest XP gain of all!


You will win the most XP by assembling and then activating idols composed of as many of the four pieces as you can gather. However, if you have any left-over pieces, or you’re on a free-to-play world, you can always use them up individually for a small XP gain.

Idol parts are on the Squeal of Fortune from Friday 18th October 00:00 GMT until Monday 28th October 23:59 GMT. After the 28th, it will be possible to trade, assemble and activate idols for XP until the 8th of November, after which they’ll be removed from the game.

In next ten days, you’ll see idol parts up for grabs for – bodies, legs and arms for free players, and bodies, legs, arms and heads for members – made from a variety of materials. Each piece can be activated for XP in a range of skills, or – if you’re a member – combined for more XP! More Buy RS Gold to have fun!

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