The whip is a limited edition of weapons, and you can only win until the end of 12. No need to worry, between Friday and Monday there is an increased opportunity to get this unique weapon!

This weekend, the rotation screams wealth, you can win the opportunity the newly released TzHaar whip!
Until now, only those with attack rating of 70 or higher wielding whips. The TzHaar whip changes: from an awesome whip and shouting now, add it to the wheels, anyone can have a crack! Shark in the process of release of the hot summer, like a fist, whip from 1-60 level conversion between the hierarchy of needs, so it will keep you level.
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Increase the chance to win a whip and pendants from last Friday until 00:00 GMT on December 07, 2011 Monday, December 10, 2011 23 o’clock 59 minutes (Greenwich Mean Time). You can to win the the TzHaar whip until December 31, 1999 (Monday), but this weekend is your best chance.