As with most other runecrafting altars in RuneScape

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The Fire altar may be found west of the Duel Arena and north of Al-Kharid. It is used to craft Fire runes from rune essence or pure essence, providing 7 Runecrafting experience.

As with most other runecrafting altars, it can be accessed via the Abyss. Players could also enter its ruins by using a fire talisman, an Elemental talisman, or an Omni-talisman. Players could also simply click on the ruins while wearing a fire tiara, Omni-tiara, a wicked hood imbued with any of the above, an Omni-talisman staff, or a fire talisman staff.

Currently, the fastest way to get there is to used the Wicked hood’s teleport, which could only be used 2 times, or 3 if all the Wicked robes have been purchased from the Runespan. The second fastest way is to break a fire altar teleport tablet. Both of these methods teleport the player just outside of the altar. The wicked hood can be obtained by talking to Tam McGrubor, and the teleport tablets by playing the Great Orb Project.

The maximum likely limit for crafting Fire runes in one visit is 759. This would be achieved by having 70 Runecrafting, giving a 3x bonus, and carrying 253 essence to craft (23 in the normal inventory along with 48 in the 5 sizes of Runecrafting pouches, along with 175 claimed from the wicked hood (if all the Wicked robes have been purchased, and 7 from any abyssal summoning creature), whilst wearing an explorer’s ring (which has a 1 in 10 chance of producing an extra rune per essence). The maximum possible experience is 1,771 obtained while doing the above.

It is possible to make Steam runes, Smoke runes, and Lava runes while at this altar, but at a lower success rate. This will result in less runes than normal being made. To make a combination rune, the player needs one set of elemental runes, a stack of pure essence, and 2 talismans. If the player equips a Binding necklace, the success rate will increase to 100%. It has a total of 15 uses before breaking. A charge is used each time a combination rune is used, instead of each time the altar is entered.

A fire tiara may be created at this altar by having a fire talisman and a normal tiara in your inventory. The player must use the tiara on the altar. Doing so will earn 35 Runecrafting experience. It is interesting to note that the fires burning near the altar have their own examine: “Burn Me!” Most likely because the player can choose to stand on the fire and appear to be burning.There are dead trees in the altar, however a player cannot cut them, only examine them..

Using the orb of oculus, you can see the body altar to the west, the air altar to the south, and a small part of the earth altar. In addition, a small, unidentified patch of sand and water can be seen. It looks somewhat like the water altar.When playing The Great Orb Project, you can make the fire on the ground disappear by creating a barrier on the same space.The exit portal currently has a minor glitch, in which part of the portal doesn’t show.

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