The Observatory complex is mostly used during the Observatory Quest in Runescape

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The Observatory complex is mostly used during the Observatory Quest. It consists of four parts. The area was overrun by goblins, who have damaged the telescope, and players must fix it during the quest. The original bridge to the observatory has been destroyed, so you must go underground at the Ruined buildings and through the Observatory Dungeon to get to it.

The fastest way to reach the observatory is by using a Ring Of Duelling to teleport to Castle Wars (or use Lodestone network and go to Yanille) Then run North, crossing two small bridges.

The observatory reception is a small building north of the observatory itself. The Observatory professor is here at the start of the Observatory Quest, along with his assistant. There is a range in the building and a well just outside. On two tables are copies of the Astronomy book and the Glassblowing book. There is a Large orrery in the centre of the room, and a chart on the wall that keeps track of Shooting Stars that have landed.

North-east of the Observatory are three ruined buildings. The western building has the staircase which leads down to the Observatory Dungeon. The southern building has a spawn of a single dose of Super anti-poison potion. In the middle are three goblins: Creakyknees, Smellytoes and Greasycheeks.

Players need to go through the Observatory Dungeon to get to the observatory itself. It is overrun by low-level goblins. See the The Lens Mould Quest page for more details. As of 9 November 2009, music has been added back to the Observatory’s dungeon area.

The Observatory is the main place of study for astronomy. There are two levels to the observatory building. On the bottom level there are some star charts, which show the 12 constellations. On the upper level is the telescope itself, and after you have finished the Observatory Quest, the Observatory professor. You can look through the telescope to see a constellation.

Though the design of the telescope is from Scorpius, the original has gone, and the current structure is a reproduction.

There is also a noticeboard in the Observatory which notes the last five people to have found Shooting Stars. This is used in the easy Ardougne Tasks.

When you look at the world map and search for the coordinates: 00 degrees 00 minutes North 00 degrees 00 minutes South you will see that the centre of the observatory has these coordinates.

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