RS Gold Guide with top Strategies

You can either take this carpet to Nardah or walk south to a bridge, go across and proceed directly east to Nardah. An additional option for RS gold guide, if you’ve completed Enakhra’s Lament, is always to take a Camulet and utilize it to teleport to Enakhra’s Forehead and walk east. Once around Nardah, head to one of the more northern buildings to discover Ali the Wise. Speak by using him.

Now head up the stairs only in order to meet Arrav (Level 180). Talk to Arrav. It’ll appear that Zemouregal features a great hold on Arrav and wants Arrav to attack you. The conversation will suddenly stop and Arrav will attack an individual. Simply turn on protect by melee and fight him. He’ll start suggesting things that could help you both. After you get him about RuneScape gold in half life , he’ll teleport. KeyPlansDuring the actual battle, you will be told to visit to the room to the south and appear behind a flame tapestry. You will find a key and some plans attached to the back of the tapestry. Now you should head to Ali the Wise in Nardah that will help you interpret what these things signify.

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