One Million Likes – Book of Faces Now Unlocked!

We’ve reached one million likes over on the RuneScape Facebook page. To celebrate we’ve awarded everybody – free players and members alike – with a unique Book of Faces cosmetic reward!

The Book of Faces is now available to equip from within your in-game customisation interface, providing a brilliantly bookish override for your character’s head slot!

Reaching one million Facebook likes is not something that comes easily and certainly isn’t something seen very often in the games industry. As such, we’re incredibly proud of you – our community – for reaching this momentous milestone!

Liking RuneScape on Facebook is a great way to keep up-to-date with all of the latest RuneScape news, events and competitions, and to discuss the world’s greatest adventure with other players!

Hello guys, here are Runescape Tips and Glitches information that came from other website. Let’s go see it: These are combos that should be used just about every single fight.A rollback occurred, which affected a handful of members playing at the time. This meant that the last few hours were practically erased completely, and all the things that players did in that time were gone. In addition to experience lost, it was reported that some items were duplicated in the process. For example, if someone were to sell a white partyhat to someone else during this time, the seller would get to keep the white partyhat and the money(runescape gold) while the buyer also had a white partyhat.

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