Check out Nami’s debut trailer after the break!

A new champion will join League of Legends ‘ champion family, who is a mermaid, and now she is swimming into League of Legends, but now we are not sure if she is the dinglehopper-loving variety. Riot Games will introduce Nami the Tidecaller, who is an offensive support champion, as the latest addition to the game.

When it comes to deciding if you should honor an enemy teammate, it requires a great amount of scrutiny because you don’t know how they are acting in their team’s chat or how they are responding to their teammate’s needs throughout the game. I will only give out honor to enemies who react positively in all chat be it that they are losing or winning. I really don’t stand for people who get high and mighty over destroying my team and then bragging about it in chat. If they did well enough in battle then they should be humble and accept compliments instead of demand acknowledgment to their ego.


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